Legislators Visit Skill Comp

On January 16, 2015, ABC of Wisconsin held it’s annual Skill Competition at the Washington County Fairgrounds. 23 apprentices from across the state competed to win a spot at the National Craft Championship in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Among the supporters and guests that day were 5 legislators from Wisconsin. They took the time to visit with the Project Managers for the four disciplines being judged and watched the proceedings for quite a while. The five were Senator Duey Stroebel, Representative Rob Brooks, Representative Jesse Kremer, Representative Bob Gannon and Representative Terry Katsma.

We would like to thank them for taking the time to come to our event and take an interest in ABC of Wisconsin and our members. It is very much appreciated.

For more information on apprenticeship through ABC of Wisconsin please go to buildyourcareerwi.org.

Todd A. Berry
President, Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance

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