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Legislators respond best to the people they represent. Any legislator will tell you he or she would rather hear from a constituent than anyone else. Members of Congress depend on ABC members like you to tell them how proposed legislation or regulations will affect the construction industry, your district, and especially your company and its employees.
Staying informed of your legislators’ activities and positions is vitally important.
The ABC Action Center makes it easy and convenient to stay up to date. You can do this in a variety of ways:
Hosting an event at which your legislator can meet and talk with a group of ABC members is an easy and often successful way to create a lasting impression and relationship. Though it may sound intimidating at first, organizing a meeting is very simple and can be done in a variety of settings—luncheons, dinners, informal coffee hours, etc.
Here are some tips for scheduling an event:
Send your legislator a written invitation three to four weeks before the date of the event. Be considerate of the legislator’s schedule by offering several possible dates and times. Your RPM can advise when Congress will likely be in recess to help you coordinate a good time to meet.
Clearly state the purpose of the event and the number of people you expect to attend. When the legislator confirms, send a written confirmation to his or her office, reiterating the purpose and format of the event, including:
One week before the event, telephone the invitees to ensure good attendance. After the event, send thank-you notes to the legislator as well as to the participants emphasizing the positive results of the event and the value of similar events in the future.
Communication by Telephone
Calling is a great option when immediately trying to convey your opinion. Call a member of Congress’ office prior to an important vote to remind him or her how you would like them to vote. Congressional offices almost always count the number of calls received for and against certain pieces of legislation, and consider these calls an informal gauge of their constituents’ opinions. For example, with regard to the card check legislation, one Senate office told ABC that it had received 25 calls supporting the bill for every one call against the bill. ABC is strongly opposed to this legislation. See Appendix C for a Guide to Effective Calls.
Guide to Effective Calls
While it usually is best to put your views in writing to your legislators, when a vote is scheduled to take place immediately, calling your representative’s office is a very effective way to make your views known.
Some points to keep in mind:
Communicating by Fax and Email
When a bill is coming up for a vote, and there is not enough time for a letter or personal meeting, email and fax are the fastest ways to voice your opinion. The guidelines listed above for writing letters apply to these forms of communication as well. While personalized constituent correspondence is ideal, ABC also utilizes its Grassroots network and VoterVOICE software to distribute Action Alerts, making it easy to e-mail your legislators. A message is pre-written according to the legislation, and with only a few clicks a message is sent. When you receive an Action Alert, distribute it to your employees and associates- strength in numbers is the only way to be really effective in these instances.
Let your voice be heard! Use the following resources to get involved in the grassroots and stay informed.
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