
Session Evaluation Form

How Was Your Session?

Please Share Your Feedback

ABC of Wisconsin is proud to offer continuing education for construction professionals through SuperCon each year. Your feedback helps us to fine-tune future programming. Please use the form below to offer your feedback.

Please call the ABC of Wisconsin office at 608-244-5883 with any questions.

  • 1 – Strongly disagree2 – Disagree3 – Neutral4 – Agree5 – Strongly agree
  • 1 – Strongly disagree2 – Disagree3 – Neutral4 – Agree5 – Strongly agree
  • 1 – Strongly disagree2 – Disagree3 – Neutral4 – Agree5 – Strongly agree
  • Optional
  • Optional
  • Optional
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.