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ABC of Wisconsin is pleased to offer a five-part web series on human resources fundamentals through Zoom for members this fall. The sessions, presented by ABC of Wisconsin member firms, will run weekly from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. beginning Aug. 3, 2023. Attendees can register for any of the sessions for $35 each or all five for $150 using the form below.
Presented by Doug Witte, Attorney – Boardman & Clark, LLP
New laws and court decisions have changed or added to requirements employers need to be aware of when it comes to possible employment discrimination. Two laws were amended to expand protections for women in the workplace; and the US Supreme Court expanded the accommodations employers may have to make for religious practices and beliefs. This session will discuss those changes and include practices and methods employers should consider to remain in compliance with these requirements.
Presented by Mark Johnson, Attorney – Ogletree Deakins
Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) [and the corresponding Wisconsin Fair Employment Act (WFEA) and Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Act (WFMLA)] is a top challenge for employers in the construction industry. In this session, you will learn practical ways to analyze and comply with employer obligations—time frames for action, documentation requirements, assessing requests for reasonable accommodations and return-to-work issues, the interactive process —as well as tips for creating effective processes. This discussion of practical insights will leave you more prepared to manage these issues.
Presented by Doug Witte, Attorney – Boardman & Clark, LLP
The National Labor Relations Board and the General Counsel from the NLRB have continued issuing decisions and enforcement guidance which are employee and union friendly. Some of these decisions and actions make it easier for unions to organize employees. However, these changes apply to all employees, so even if your employees are not currently represented by a union, they apply to your employees as well. In addition, the labor movement has been emboldened by some of these decisions and recent organizing successes. So now is not the time to become complacent. Learn what these cases and guidance mean for you.
Presented by Joe Gumina, Attorney – O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & Laing, S.C.
OSHA’s construction standards mandate that every contractor or subcontractor initiate and maintain programs to provide workers with a healthy and safe work environment. Despite this simple and straightforward compliance mandate, five out of the top 10 frequently cited standards by OSHA in 2022 involved violation of construction safety standards. OSHA has also recently stepped-up the number of on-site inspections that it conducts. Now, more than ever, construction employers need to be proactive in preventing workplace fatalities and injuries, and avoid becoming part of these workplace statistics, by implementing effective and simple safety and health programs. This session will discuss management’s leadership regarding: (i) training requirements under OSHA’s construction standards; (ii) hazard identification and assessment, including identifying fall hazards, at the worksite; (iii) understanding safety coordination responsibilities on a multi-employer worksite and OSHA’s multi-employer citation policy; and (iv) creating a culture of safe work practices to avoid and prevent OSHA citations.
Presented by Sam Mitchell, Associate – Husch-Blackwell, LLP
Employers frequently struggle with the mounds of employment documents and records they need to deal with. Part of that struggle is knowing what they must keep and for how long. This presentation will cover the major federal and state requirements for record-keeping and retention of employee files and other employment-related records. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for managing physical and electronic records.
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