ABC of Wisconsin

High School Connections

High School Connections

Did you know that starting in 8th grade, Wisconsin students must participate in academic and career planning (ACP) to help them find a career field that best suits what they are looking for in the future?  Because of this, there are many different types of opportunities to connect with schools – everything from participating in a career fair, to doing class presentations, to job shadow experiences and more are available.

Every school is a little different.  Finding the right school and the right contact can sometimes take a little work.

A Few Tips:

  • Ask employees or friends in the community who have kids, who is a good contact or teacher that would be helpful to connect with.
  • Be open to helping. Some schools are looking for employer partners, some schools are looking for extra materials to be donated. Ask the school what they need and be willing to adjust.
  • Understand that not all tech ed departments are the same. Some schools focus more on auto or manufacturing (typically because that is what the teacher has the most knowledge in).  Make sure that you are working with a school that has a construction class.
  • If one school isn’t getting back to you or isn’t a good partner, then go try the next school up the road. There are just some schools that either already have good company connections or focus their efforts on other areas.  Perhaps in a few years when teachers or administrations change, try again, but there are a lot of schools out there and many who would love to have companies supporting them.

Download the Wisconsin High School List (All Wisconsin public high schools are listed.  Private schools are listed if we have a contact at the school.  ABC of WI maintains this list as much as possible, but email Elizabeth at with additions or corrections).

Most tech ed teachers belong to the Wisconsin Technology Education Association (WTEA).  They have an annual conference each spring that ABC usually exhibits at.  For more information or to connect with them, please visit

Many school counselors in Wisconsin are part of the Wisconsin School Counselor Association (WSCA).  They have a conference each fall that ABC usually exhibits at.  For more information or to connect with them, please visit


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