ABC of Wisconsin

2022 Chapter Safety Awards

Recognizing Safe Companies

About the ABC of Wisconsin Chapter Safety Awards

Four categories of awards are being presented:

  • No Lost Time Accident Award – These companies went through the year with no lost time accidents.

  • Safety Award of Honor – Winners of this award have proven their safety record for lost workday cases and total OSHA recordables are equal to or better than the construction industry average as states in the BLS.

  • Award of Honor for Zero Recordable Accidents – These companies went through the entire year without a recordable accident or lost time.

  • ABC of Wisconsin Safety Award of Excellence – The companies that win the ABC of Wisconsin Safety Excellence Award not only must have incident rates for total OSHA Recordables and Lost Work Day Cases at least 25% better than their industry average, but combined with their company safety program, and past safety record, these three companies were found the best in their category for 2021. The ABC of Wisconsin Safety Award of Excellence is divided into three categories – Under 50,000 hours worked; 50,0001 to 200,000 hours worked; and over 200,000 hours worked.

The deadline for judging is Friday, Jan. 27, 2023.

Judging will take place Monday, Jan. 30, 2023.


2022 Award Submission Form