Our proposal to promote career readiness

Careers Agenda


Addressing Wisconsin’s Construction Workforce Shortage

Slowing population growth and declining labor force participation (especially in youth employment) signal a long-term workforce shortage. To maximize labor force participation, it’s essential that the K-12 system provide students with transferable employability skills also known as career readiness. Career readiness is the process of preparing students for life after school as they begin their careers. With that goal in mind, ABC of Wisconsin recommends the following.

The Agenda

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Increase K-12 Education connection with industry partners
  1. Regional pathways for construction in all nine Wisconsin economic groups.
  2. Increased use of industry-based certifications / credentials in high school for skills development.
  3. Continue CTE (Career and Technical Education) Incentive Grants for schools who offer industry-recognized credentials.
  4. Career and academic planning that involves current industry career pathways, job openings, and wage data.
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Integrate career readiness into every classroom
  1. All students are provided with opportunities for job-based learning before graduation.
  2. Job-based learning is included in personalized learning plans.
  3. Exposure to working professionals through presentations and CTE student organizations.
  4. Use CESA’s (Cooperative Educational Service Agency) as repositories of best practices and career readiness resources.
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Develop academic and career planning honoring all postsecondary routes including careers in construction, especially registered apprenticeship
  1. Dual enrollment for registered apprenticeship related instruction.
  2. Acknowledge registered apprenticeship as a post-secondary credential when evaluating K-12 career readiness performance.
  3. Professional development that exposes educators to the career opportunities in construction.
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